Monday, February 7, 2011


  Superstition has been around since ancient times and will inevitably continue to be apart of our world. Things we do everyday in our normal routines can have superstitious meaning. From the classics of “Friday the 13th” to infamous Bloody Mary, superstitions have become part of our daily lives. But where did they originate?

   There are many different theories about the origin of the number 13 being an unlucky number. The earliest guess was a claim in ancient religion. Valhalla, the home of the gods, had only twelve guests at a feast and the 13th, the god of deceit, was always uninvited. Another religion believed that the number 13 started with witches. 

Let me tell you what happened to me,
      One day,an old lady told me that the month June would be a very bad year for me. Well I as usual believed her.My mom took it very lightly but I was the total opposite.I was very scared because in that month I will be having a very important examination. I was afraid that my results will end up as a fail and there goes my dreams of ever becoming a Doctor.
     Whenever I try to concentrate in my studies, her face just keeps appearing in my head. It can sometimes get very annoying at the same time scary. But well, thats all just my illusion. My mom advised me and told me to forget about that old lady,she might have just got the wrong person or just trying to play a prank on you. 

     The day 1st of June has arrived, I don't know wether should I take it as a normal day or as an unlucky day. I was frighten. I did not put in all my effort into the exam paper all because of the fear that I had in me. After that paper, I realised that nobody is making my day bad but I'm the only one who's making my own day bad.

     That old lady was just a form of distraction for me to not do well in the exams. I totally ignored her and put in my full effort in my second paper. It really worked, nothing distracted me and I did my paper with an absolutely clear mind. I felt really good.

     As a conclusion, one should always believe in its self and never let anything else distract ones mind. That distraction can turn ones life up side down. So, always believe in your self and never give up hope. Discard all the negative things in your mind and fill it  up with all positive things. 

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